Just as blackace said, there are people out there that will buy Xbox One for those new Exclusive games MS has shown and as for me, I'm getting a PS4 and Xbox One because I don't fanboy consoles, I co-exist.
I'm sure the Wii U will do fine but remember that Wii U is not competing with Xbox One/PS4 only the current-gen is and most gamers want to stay with the current-gen and try to burn out this gen as much as possible.
I understand that most game Developers want to leave the current-gen behind but I just don't see Nintendo can spend another Million Dollar making another Next-Gen Console to meet up with PS4/Xbox One like in 2-3 years so they have to do what it takes to survive in this current-gen.
To me the Pokemon Sword looks like the Celtic Sword from the looks of it. Plus the celts were known as "galians" by the romans and inhabitted modern day france before the franks I believe, so this makes sense for it to be this way. I'm cool with it.
Mr. Pachter, with all due respect, The Wii U is not competing with PS4/Xbox One, they are only competing with the current-gen Xbox 360/PS3 but the only thing why Wii U is struggling bad is that there are no First Party games out yet and no, it does not need a price-cut but rather a nice Delux Bundle with a better deal then the Zombie U. Mr. Pachter, I got no problem with you but try to do some more reaserch next time and remember, it has not been a year so there is still time for Wii U to meet there sales.
The only thing I like about X/Y is that we are getting a new Pokemon Type: Fairy and there has not been a new type since Gold/silver in 13 years. Fairy Types are suppost to combat the Dragon types, Fairys are can't be hit with Dragon attacks, Dragon types are weak to dragon, Ice, and now Fairy. It's nice to see a new type but for those who are in the Fairy egg Group should all be Fairy such as the Pikachu family line and It's a shame that the mascot of the entire series has always been so underwhelming, and I think adding Fairy type would give them a much-needed boost.
Dr. House, We know Sony was watching MS go first with this idea and when it backfire on them, you guys stay in the shadow and now your all of a sudden just telling us this, then why is Sony still using the Online Pass huh?
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