That's fine by me, for a next-gen that's to be expected. I don't care what anybody says I'm buying Xbox One and PS4 because both Sony and MS have earn my trust!
Damn I was hoping that Nintendo was going to give out any details on Pokemon 3DS XL for the upcomiong X/Y and that's the only thing I care and not that Black one, they show dirt and fingerprints easy.
First Captain Olimar, no story mode, and not this, I hope Masahiro Sakurai and Nintendo knows what there doing, because I'm not impress the way they are changing in this new SSB.
Well considering that nobody like Reggie Fils-Aime, I say why the hell not, let's put him in the game so we can beat the SH!T out of him. I got nothing against Reggie Fils-Aimegainst so I'm cool with him for the most part.
Ubisoft that's good and all but all I want to know is will there be anything for Watch Dogs for PS4 and PS3? Because Watch Dogs is the leading platform on PS4 as of now and like to know if there is any exclusive content and thanks.
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