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Manhunt & Trail

Yesterday I got Manhunt after I searched for it like crazy! :D (Bought it for the second time) Yeah :D But this time I will keep it - It's a great game and hard to find it these days.

I want it even more than Bully (Havn't played Bully yet) But when I'm finished with Manhunt now for the second time I will probably get Bully too. :)

And tomorrow I will go to the courthouse. My fellow-worker got robbed around 20 days ago when we were at work. I'm a witness and will tell them in the court what the junkiebastard did to her: He took her cross gold necklace. And just before that he probably beated someone real bad up. (He is still in the remand prison)

I think he is a type who beat up woman and is totally scared of guys. I mean, he became totally scared when I told that piece of ****** to give her the necklege back before I ******* him up. So totally scared, he gave it back to her, and I told him to leave before something bad would happend. He walked away but then the cops came and took him down.

PS. I don't like going to courts.
But I love playing Manhunt :D