There are many questions that peoplea sk themselves, but never ask those who need to hear them. These range from economical questions to questions about the war effort. I have decided to ask a few and give you what I think is the answer.
1: Why did we invade Iraq?
A: They allegedly had weapons of mass destruction and illegal warheads. During our attack, the Iraqi army fired illegal scud missles. They lacked anything besides those few that they fired, so that theory means that it was all in vain. The REAL reason is that I beleive W. Bush wanted to finish what his father started in Desert Storm. Big Bush had the U.S. army crush the Iraqi's after they invaded Kuwait. U.S. forces were only a few miles from Bahgdad when big Bush called them off. Now that the little Bush is in office, he wanted to do what his father didn't and take Bahgdad.
2: Why are we still in Iraq?
A: We went in to help improve the standard of living and force our democratic ways upon the Iraqis. We say we were their to liberate them from opression, but we did that in a week or two. It is not about oil, it is not about anti-terrorism, it is about politicians making the decisions when it should be left up to the generals. If the generals had control over what went on in Iraq, we could have been finished by now. Politicians should leave their noses out of wars (at least 75% of wars were started due to politics).
3: Why is the price of gas so high?
A: I went a rant on that earlier but let me remind you all. Gas goes up, shipping goes up, prices go up to offset the shipping costs, the dollar seems weaker since everything is more expensive, gas prices go up due to false thoughts of inflation. Lather, rinse, repeat.
4: Should Hilary drop out of the race?
A: No, this competition has made a split in the democratic voters. While some will stil vote democratic, some may vote republican because Obama won and they don't want him as president.
5: Why do independants only get on a few state's ballots?
A: The two big parties are keeping themselves in power, so they keep the little guys off the ballot to ensure they don't lose votes to them. I think there should not be political parties, everyone should be independant. The party system has a bad habit of keeping people from choosing their candidate. How so? They think they are republican, so they vote for the republican no matter who the candidate is. If there were no parties, he would have to actually look at the candidate and decide about the candidate instead of deciding by affiliation.
I hope this has answered some of your questions and has made you think. Hopefully, you will start asking these questions and help improve the world.