This rant will be about religion. I had a hard time deciding if this should be under the rant or religion catagory. I went with rant.
All religions are the same. They each were made to answer the unanswerable questions. All of these questions are the same. They are:
1- How the world was made
2- Why the world is like it is
3- What happens after you die.
If you think about it, all of them try to answer the three questions above. Christianity says a God that was just there when time started, built everything. Scientology says aliens killed other aliens, and the dead aliens occupied the prehistoric human bodies. The list goes on.
Christians say that when you die, you either go to a paradise int he skies called Heaven, or a torture pit called Hell. Muslims think that if you blow yourself up, you get 72 virgins (and it doesn't specify if they are guys or girls). Hindu's think you are reincarnated as something else.
My beleifs are none of the above. How did the world come around? Who cares as long as it stays here while I am here. What happens after you die? Nobody but dead people know, and we can't ask them (mediums are just lucky liars who stick to general stuff and let the audience fill in the details).
Another fun fact, God is th number 1 killer in the history of the world. More people were killed because of their beliefs that smoking, cancer, car wrecks, and the black plauge COMBINED!! Politicians come in as a distant second (or third, my memory ain't what it used to be).
The bible is nothing more than a complicated Mother Goose. It is just a book of stories written to inspire. Each story has a morale, just like many of the Mother Goose stories do. The story of Adam and Eve is like the Three Little Pigs, a fable written to teach you something. They each have a morale (Adam and Eve= Don't listen to talking snakes, 3 pigs= hard work pays off in the end).
The morale of this story is, no religion is right. Religion may provide you with inspiration, but don't get crazy with it. And don't push your beleifs onto others. I get my inspiration from Scarface (not the druglord part, but coming up from the bottom to the top through hard work), but that doesn't mean I should worship him.