Why make a topic to discuss which game is better, when you clearly have an agenda against the COD series? Play which ever game you enjoy more and that's it.
Over the life span of the 360 , it's had it's fair share of exclusives. Although right now towards the end of it's cycle it seems like all we're getting is Halo , Gears , and Forza.
I would go for the Halo 4 bundle, and then you can buy the Kinect for your little boy when he gets older. Plus I'm sure by then Kinect will be even cheaper than it is now :).
I played the first game for about 5 minutes and that's about it, but I am really loving this one. I already have at least 5-7 hours in the game and it just keeps getting better :). Highly recommend it to anyone who likes a good shooter. 9.0-9.5 so far for me.
Class: Commando Why: I thought the turret was pretty cool and definitely useful. How do I like it: Loving it so far ! Just upgrading my turret and it's been a huge help in a lot of sticky situations. Currently on level 13 , so I'm sure it'll get better as I go deeper into the game .
I've been looking to party up with some people so feel free to send me a friend request to A Shagi . I play Black Ops, MW2/3, Ghost Recon FS, and I'll be getting Borderlands 2 later today.
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