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What is Your Favorite Game on Your Shelf of Shame?

I don’t know how many of you out there are like me, but I am going to describe a scenario which I find myself in a lot more than I would like to admit. First, I hear about a game. Then, it piques my interest and I follow the development, possibly even pre-ordering the game. Finally, when it comes out I play it for a week or two and then put it where all my games go to die; my gamer shelf of shame. I have a lot of games, and I can count on my fingers and toes how many I have actually beaten. With every game I purchase, I have every intention of finishing it and with some I even have the thought that I will pull a completionist on it. Unfortunately, most inevitably wind up on the shelf along with all the good intentions of finishing the game. I hate walking by my shelf because I swear I can hear some of them calling me like the twins from The Shining.

"come play with us, for ever and ever and ever...."

While I am sure that this question has been asked many times, I am going to ask it again, because I have never asked it. What is your favorite game that has wound up sitting on your shelf to never be played again?

What is my game of shame you ask? Mine is a game that won IGN RPG of the year for 2007, I speak of course, of Mass Effect. Why did you never finish such a great game, I hear you scream at your monitor. Because at the time it was released life afforded me little time to do things that I really wanted to do. So why have I still not finished it!? Honestly, I have picked it up a few times and I really don’t remember where I was or what I was doing whenever I tried to pick it back up, and for a game this big in scope that is the touch of death. I had so much fun playing it and I have Mass Effect 2 and 3 on my shelf in the shrink wrap still and I am a huge fan of RPG’s and it’s killing me that I haven’t finished it. What is even worse are all the spoilers and everything about the story I have managed to avoid all this time are getting harder and harder to avoid. Since the third game is about three years old and considered to have been played by everyone who wants to play it no one thinks twice about saying what happens in the end. So hopefully I can find some time to play it in the near future, after I finish Wolfenstein. Oh Mario Kart 8 is coming out next week too and I still haven’t finished Dark Souls II or GTAV….shit…I’m never going to finish this game am I…