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demonnaruto13 Blog

Whats going on?

Its been like 50 years since I've been on this site, just reminiscing about the good ol' days when it seemed like everything was good.

Whats different about me? I play football now and I dont watch as much anime as i used to. But hope all my friends are doing good where ever you guys are.

1 year aniversary!!!

Well about 1 year ago March 9, 2008 ours truly joined up i forgot to make this blog earlier but its been 1 year i've been a member. Many friends have come and gone but im just happy i still have most of my friends here.

Picture of the day

btbsbleachch21821colo29cg.jpg hollow ichigo & bankai ichigo image by puppy_pup1


sorry for the late blog i've been pretty busy, i decided to pretty much just add 1 vote for each espada that was mentioned. And the winner is!

Stark - 3 votes

Barragan - o votes

Halibel - 2 votes

Ulquiorra - 5 votes

Nnoitra - 1 votes

Grimmjow - 7 votes

Zommari - 0 votes

Syzael - 0 votes

Aaroniero - 1 vote

Yammy - 0 votes

Winner: Grimmjow Jaggerjack! Grimmjow.jpg Grimmjow Jaggerjack 6th Espada image by KarosoiBraovdo

Favorite Espada

Which is the coolest of all the espada? Vote now which is your favorite. Vote to which is the greatest and coolest espada and the winner will be announced in my next blog. I say Grimmjow Jaggerjack.

1. Stark

2. Barragan

3. Halibel

4. Ulquiorra Schiffer

5. Nnoitra Jiruga

6. Grimmjow Jaggerjack

7. Zommari Leroux

8. Syzayel Aporro Granz

9. Aaroniero Arruruerie

10. Yammy


I'm back

I've been gone for so long and i apologize, i've been pretty busy and didnt get time to come on but now im back and i'll be trying to get back on track this whole weekend and for the next couple of days. Did i miss anything important while i was gone?

Let it snow!

snowland.jpg snow land image by sailauj

Let it snow baby finally its snowing and lots of snow where i am (that isnt an actual pic :P) and school is closed. This is awesome! is it snowing where you guys live

Picture of the Day

541.jpg Naruto Snow image by ryokichre

Wierdest Day Ever

I swear today was the wierdest day ever. In school we had not one not two but 3 fights today O_O. And thats just in the 8th grade there was 1 in 7th grade an 1 and 6th grade. This was insane i didnt get to see any of em ._. there was 1 in the beginning of the day in the hallway going to related arts class but i had alreay made it to spanish class and missed it and i heard it was insane this one kid got his arm dislocated and had a concusion. O_O. The next fight happened right after it but wasnt as long or as popular. The last fight that happened in the end of the day was probably the funniest according to the expression on people's face this kid got beaten more than any body thought it would happen cause he always seems so tough but he got beaten in less than 5 seconds. And to top it all off there was another fight when i was walking home. The only fight i actually got to see was really funny. My friend Nick was being annoyed by his friend Chance. Chance was just giggling and insulting nick and nick got so mad he chased him and tackled him to the ground and chance kept giggling when he was getting punched im sorry but i couldnt help at how dumb chance was being. and when nick left chance just insulted him again like he didnt learn anything. and when nick was completely gone chance acted normal and was like what the hell why didnt anybody help me out? we all broke into laughter and i just went home thinking about this crazy day

picture of the day

1_Naruto_the_Sage.jpg naruto father image by sexynarutouzumaki

Preparing for high school

On Friday everyone in the 8th grade recieved a catalog book filled with courses to take for highschool. During Reading the 8th grade counselor made a presentation about high school stuff. Its kinda interesting but kinda confusing i havent chosen what exactly to take the deadline is January 29 but so far my teachers recommended me for the following classes

Spanish II Honors

Algebra II Honors

English 9 Honors

History 9 Honors

Science 9 Honors

My parents were really proud they said honors classes look good on a college application. But all this kinda made me not looking forward to next year. With extra curricular and sports and grade and a part time job i probably wont even have time for and all my friends here :cry:

But i hope i do have the time

Picture of the day

Xbox 360

For christmas i got an xbox 360 the graphics are really good and i got 3 games so far and both came with the xbox and i also rented to keep me busy for awhile i'm getting xbox live on monday so i can get all my friends gamertags

Happy New Year 09/ Virus

Happy new year to all :P 2009 is gonna be awesome i hope everyone has a great year.

Also the reason for my absence was cause my laptop had a horrible virus my parents were even thinking about throwing my laptop away. But thank goodness its fixed now and i can go back to normal.

Anything Important i missed in my absense?