denaz / Member

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Things just go from bad to worse...

Bad things always seem to happen in twos... isn't that how the saying goes??

Well right now i would totally agree with that!!!

Ok so i get home from a crappy day at work yesterday and needed to release some stress through my xbox, and what better game to do that then gears? So i set it all up and get started, and about 5minutes into it my xbox freezes. I thought it was all good, just ANOTHER glitch, so i switched her off and back on. Was a little slow in loading up, and then it froze AGAIN on the opening Xbox screen. So i took a deep breathe, and tried again. Third time, it made a very disturbing sound like a loud grunt or something when the disc loaded, but it turned on. So i thought maybe its just a little glitche that has fixed itself, so i went back to some mass blood shed in gears... only to have it freeze AGAIN!! Ok so by now my temper is wearing really thin, and if i didn't see my xbox as my little child then it would have probably gone out the window. So took another deep breathe and turned it off. I thought maybe if i wait a while and give it some time to sort its sh*t out it might be ok... i was wrong. 10 minutes later i went to turn it on only to have 3 red lights staring me back in the face... every 360 owners worst nightmare:evil:.

I couldn't beleive it, the same thing just happened to a friend of mine but his console used to get thrashed so i thought i would be ok... i was so so wrong. So now i have to send the dam thing in to get fixed, and dish out $200 because it is a couple of months out of warranty:cry:!

The thing that hurts the most is... i was going to get my broadband connected tonight so i would be able to join live before... but now i have to wait till i get my xbox back and probably have to save some more money cos its costing me so much. 

The only positive i can take out of this is that i will now get an upgrade from xbox and my machine will run a lot smoother... but i still don't think its worth $200.

Guess this means i'll just be staying around my mates a lot more now:P