I'm so over this, it just honestly makes no sense. Seriously every game store checks for ID's when you trade a game, so how hard is it for them to just move that onto R18 games? Do they think parents are stupid enough to let thier kids play these types of games? I mean how many parents out there go buy their kids R18+ porn? Just because the classification is there doesn't mean that parents will let their kids run wild.
This will be a welcome change for us here in australia. Why should the rest of us have to suffer because a couple of parent are afraid it might affect their kids? Especially when there is Anime out there that is 100 times more bloodier, gorier and violent then any game on the market today.
Ahhh i could barely read all of this, i hate the fact that we can't get R 18+ games here, i get so frustrated just thinking about it. They will allow us to sell X rated movies in stores, but not sell R games... dam them all:P
~Shakes head~ I mean seriously, this is a 360 post... not playstation. Congrats, you just bagged out a game to a bunch of ppl who really don't care what you say. haha ANYWAY! Big ups to Bungie with the extra features, screenshots and theater were a awesome idea!!
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