I have been noticing that recently Microsoft has been forcing products and features on customers despite the fact that a good amount of consumers do not want them.
Windows 8 is one of these products that come to mind, I work at a store that sells a lot of computer parts and Microsoft products, I can tell you that people are not happy with Microsoft at the moment, A lot of people are unhappy with the Metro Start Menu that Microsoft is forcing with every PC despite the fact that a majority of laptops and desktops are not touch screen, The Metro Star Menu actually hinders productivity on non touch screen computers since it is harder to navigate through, Even just shutting down the computer has become a 3 step process, The majority of the customers that purchase a Laptop/Desktop at our store asks us if we can add a start button for them (We usually install Start Menu 8 upon request).
Despite the fact that consumers have been complaining for over a year Microsoft has decided to not listen, They released Windows 8.1 which has a start menu but the only thing it does is open the Metro Screen, This just adds insult to injury.
Moving on to the Xbox One you all know what Microsoft had planned, They were going to block used games and require the Xbox to be online at all times, This policy actually made it into the final product and was removed at the last minute, So yes they did reverse most of the policies but the fact that it even got past the drawing board speaks a lot about the greediness of the company. They are also forcing Kinect, Yes the fact that Kinect comes in every box and the fact that the Xbox costs $100 more because of Kinect means THEY ARE FORCING IT ON YOU.
I am not a Sony fan and have never owned any PS System, I have had an Xbox 360 since 2006 and have over 30K GamerScore Points, but i chose to buy a PS4 because at least Sony listens to its customers and gives them what they ask for, I just cannot buy a product from a company that is so greedy and does not listen, I would be scared if i was an Xbox One owner not knowing what they may do with the system in a couple of years.
This is not a PS4 Vs Xbox thread, Sorry just needed to vent my frustration.
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