Just about to brain hemorrhage on Pokemon. After getting the first 151 (see previous post), I got inspired to keep going to see how many consecutive ones (I have seen this referred as a living Pokedex) I could get before Black/White came out. I made it to 253 (completed all of the Gold/Silver ones and made it to the Ruby/Sapphire starters). In all I had a total of 322 different Pokemon on my HeartGold cart, and that not counting the dups I had to evolve once I trained them up. Counting all my games I had 404 total, so not far from really collecting them all before Black/White. Well, I picked up Black/White on the day it came out and have been glued to them ever since. I hated most of the new Pokemon at first, but they are starting to grow on me. I haven't really started a spreadsheet/checklist like I did the other games, but I know I have over 50 different ones collected in Black already with 4 badges. Playing White too when I feel like it and have 2 badges and numerous Pokemon there too. I do feel the break from Pokemon coming soon though. I have other things to get to, most non-game related, but also I really feel like I am cheating on Dead Space 2 and really want to get back to it....
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