Firstly, many thanks for all the merry xmas comments I have recieved from everyone, Second i'd like to wish everyone on a merry chistmas and a happy new year. :D
Also, some things im expecting or already know I have.
-£200 from my dad (yay! money!)
-A computer game of some sort or money from my aunt.
-Ugh, a load of chistmas crackers to open with my dad (yes I live alone with my dad)
-christmas carol signers... Argh, they are here! the former halloweeners that want more!!! well my dad gives each one the = of $2.
-yay! lyokouniverse is going to get a special update!!!
hmmmmmmmm, not much more to say that will get me many comments....
Anyway, see you on new years day, when I announce the re-opening of the site!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
bye bye..............
My thanks:
Loco4siempre: Loco..... oh loco.... Without your photoshop knowledge I would of been lost in the abyss. Also, very good friend some of the thing he's told me over the months I'd never know.
Lyokooddfan: Goffy is an excellent guy I met who is almost a clone of 1-2-1Matthew (scary!) still, he's helped me edge on with the site, and helped put me back in the game after I gave up. So people! when you visit lyokouniverse in 2007, thank Goffy will you!!!
1-2-1Matthew: You know that I could not do almost anything without you, he's helped me with almost everything I've had trouble with. From starting up lyokouniverse to helping me with wow. I cant thank you enough barnes, and im coming to see ya in June!!!!