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If you're in the gladiators arena with Cavedogzoo, watch out...

hehehe, already started earning arena honour points for level 70! :D you can buy really cool stuff with em if you win arena matches.

here's the standings depending on what level you are:

50-60 (my group)
70 (just level 70s in this pro type bout)

Im level 52- and my opponent in my level range (50-60)

Level: 50-54 (Yellow, best suited for me)
Level: 55-57 (Orange, harder to beat than normal)
Level 58-60 (RED, hardest to beat in the group)

Depending on colour levels of my opponents, say a 55 mage against me, would fit under orange. This however, may be harder to beat, but gives much more arena/pvp honour points ;)

With arenas in wow, the important thing to do, is work together, even if your friend dies in battle, you can still win the match.

I was up against a level 60 warrior, and 52 hunter. I had a druid on my side, who pretty much was the healer. he told me to stay still and wait for his attack (but, I snuck off thinking "hes the healer they're gonna go for him.) While I took a vantage point on a rock, I sent my pet in like mad to kill that damn hunter, so thats 1 down 1 to go.

After, the warrior was killing my teammate, he did! argh! So, I thought things quick -freeze- then apply a bandage to heal me for 2000 health woo hoo :D send in pet, aimed shot (1288 critical hit is the highest) then shot the F out of him :D

I won in the end, my teammate was suprised at me, thinking I was a noooooob :( hehe, showed him! :P

when I play- I listen to THIS soundtrack, prowning my eyes. And loading the Thorium shell into my shotgun, ready to pelt the bullet in that armour... (click "You have selected yada yada yada to begin downloading click here...")

Hordes playing dirty tatics in pvp battlegrounds...

One of the things that many people say is "Alliance suck". We lose like 95% of battlegrounds, but this is because 50% of the time, the horde use bugs and exploits in the game to thier advantage...

Invisible wall in thier base, while the flag was taken, (I can track players on my map) I noticed as if he was in the wall? nahhhhhh impossible I thought. But, after about 5 mintues of jumping on the wall, I sort of hit a "fake spot". Went in, and saw a tiny room with the guy with the flag there!!!!

Obviously, I TRIED to kill him, but hunters are well, crap at close combat- its all about guns and the pet! :D he dropped the flag, it ended as a tie... :(

Cavedogzoo- the honourable title "bore warrior". In arathi basin battleground- where you have to capture and get resources to win (like capture the base) more bases means more rescourses.

We had 4 bases, and I told everyone- attack the farm!!! (its the horde spawn point) everyone, in the battleground... died. I was at the brink of death, when I somewhat lasted!!! :S Faked my death a few times, funny thing is it tricked another hunter away from me :D

Everyone said in the battleground "wow.... that Cavedogzoo-now HE owns!" :D:D:D:D::DD::::D::D:D:D:

I looked on the battleground stats:

Cavedogzoo (dwarf hunter)

Damage done: 134,000
Deaths: 3
Killing blows: 134
Healing done: 5,500
Bases assaulted (when I attempt to capture thier base) 7
Bases defended (when someone else attempts to assuault our base 6.

woah! :D (read the blog below for more insights lol)

btw: Immune to tags: beforehand of seeing this I use what I typed in my previous blogs:

Notice: Matthew Francis Gurnett? no? each of my names has 7 letters. which = 777. Strangley, I feel luckier on fruit machines!
Although I have a fear of touching live fish I have a wide diet of fish, ranging from many types... Wierd huh?
I am Dislexic. Yep! its true! when I was very young, I found it impossible to tell left from right and also mixing letters and mixing sentances apart sometimes.
Cavedogzoo was first thought of when I created a gamespy account to play one game I loved: Total annihilation. TA's logo is Cavedog, but I put zoo on the end!
My urine (wee) is 50% higher Ph scale then normal (I dont drink enough water, eat fibery foods etc.)
I can relax my heart rate to 36 B.P.M (Beats per minute) If substained long enough.
Underwater, my longest time for holding my breath is 58 seconds. Thats in a swimming pool you try it!!!
My left eye is VERY subceptible to light. So subceptible, that I am often seen closing my left eye outside.
Strangley, I feel my left eye can see in the dark better! 
I rarley ever take a full breath, I always "shallow breathe".
My body needs only about 60% of a normal meal of food to be "full up".
I have never been stung by a bee.
ARGH, although I have been stung by wasps!
I prefer to grow my hair long in winter, so I feel more warm then
I am "double jointed" my hands have the most features.
I use my own toenails as toothpicks! (honestly!)
When I was little, my left arm was growing bigger than my right, so I needed an injection to sort it out!
I can survive on just 600 calories per day.
I have never drank a Glass of water since June 2006.