So I originally posted this idea on the wii boards and suggested that they do it multi platform (like sonic all stars racing/ tennis) and there was alot of negativity. it seems the wii boards only want nintendo to make this genre. But I figure Id come here because Nintendo seems to have forgotten that the DS is capable of making a smash bros game. So I was wondering if you would want sega to beat nintendo to the punch and make a smash bros-ish game using characters from sega franchises for the ds
I personally would love it to be multi platform like sega is doing with allstars racing/tennis. I would probably get a handheld and console version because i travel alot and one of my biggest requests would be to get a smash bros game on the DS, and since nintendo doesnt look like they want to do this I think Sega has a great opportunity here. Plus sega would probably do a much better job of the online modes.
your thoughts?
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