I'm at Dads! I didn't think that Stephanie would let me on the computer so I never thought to ask until today that is. We went to Glace bay yesterday to see Carter and the rest. He let me borrow "NHL 2005" but it'll be awhile before we give back the games. We also went to MIra river for a swim and guess who I saw. Samantha Boutilier!! We didn't talk to each other in fACT i WAsn't even sure she remembered who I was. She's gained a few pounds and grew out her hair...ow. We also went to see Sky High! It was a good movie but not great, I found some of the storyline kinda lame.
Then Alexandra got Dad pissed of for awhile for...reasons. But besides that we a great time in Sydney, Glace bay! I miss my friends and I plan on calling Delano when I'm the only one in the house. I forgot to mention that we were also at the mall yesterday looking for a Weird al' yankovic CD! It is starting to turn into a chore looking for these! By the time we found a store that had them, they were out of stock....:evil:. Hope I find it soon, I think they'll have some in Truro.
I learnt how to play Tarabish! It's fun but Dad's always lecturing me. I actually learnt this awhile ago but I forgot to put it in my last entry.I'm out, see yah!