I'd like to see a zombie game setup like Grand theft auto, a large sprawling sandbox city with thousands of inhabitants. But I would like a single zombie to appear randomly in the city, and the AI to react realistically and let it spread accordingly. Like you could drive to that side of town and see how it's unfolding, and you could choose to intervene or wait it out.
I would like to be able to invite people from your friends list into your zombie outbreak too. Say like up to 20 people to try and survive, or even try to stop it all from going down. If a zombie attacks a neighborhood and houses catch fire, then the house is gone permanently. It would be cool to see the AI try and band together in houses or businesses to try and stop them as well.
If you get bitten you slowly turn, and maybe you could warp to another random survivor and keep going or continue as a zombie. With the randomness of the outbreak and the smart AI, no two games would ever be the same. All yours and you friends actions effect the outcome. Perhaps you could locate the initial outbreak and stop the whole thing from ever going down, and it could play like a basic sandbox game.
I'd like a lobby where people can beg for help and you can review the zombie to human ratio, maybe even show stats on how many infected non turned humans too. Also a good touch would be cars have random amount of gas and you could fill them up at gas stations providing they're still there. You would be forced to abandon cars if all the gas stations are burned.
If you could warp all the way up to the last human surviving and die, the city gets nuked, and it starts all over again. I'd say have trophies for overcoming an over 50% zombie infested city, and prevent an outbreak before it reaches 10%. Maybe even a trophy for survivng your entire game as a single person!
I'd love to hear anybodies feed back or suggestions for a massive zombie outbreak game. I'd like to drop an Email to Rockstar and plant the seed in their head that it's a good idea! Who's with me!?