happy post-turkey-gluttony-day! a four-day vacation that required no less than 24 hours of gaming. at my house anyway.
my dad's a comp engineer, my 18 yr old bro is going to college next fall for comp science, and my 21 yr old bro is a quake junkie. how could i possibly avoid the video game itch? i got to try a new game while i was home in ohio: KATAMARI DAMACY. like all the gamespot reviewers, i have to agree, it's definitely the sleeper game of the year. quick learning curve, colors galore, an overdose of abstract game detail (a diary of all the objects you roll up into your sticky ball), very clean japanese-style graphics. the storyline is perfect for ADD-afflicted youth, and surprisingly little is lost in translation. the soundtrack isn't bad either - kooky enough to add to the spacey-futuristic-medieval atmosphere, but subtle enough to stay where it belongs, in the background.
so ya. i liked it enough to buy it. i've always had access to and leached off the extensive game collection owned by my brothers, but with me in nyc, and them unwilling to part ways with the game in ohio, this is the first game that i personally have bought for myself. and that's the extent of my "black friday" shopping spree.
how was yours?
only 25 days till xmas...