Yes, another thread onthis. Why you may ask? because i never recieved any answers or reasons of why in my last blog. Be aware while reading this i own ALL Next Gen system. and in no way fanboyism. i just want my stuff to work the way it was meant to.
I've got a few "answers" (most just speculations and fanboy rants), but none of them seemed to be actual fact. Few of the things i heard was that the PS3 flat out couldn't handle it, which i flat out just don't believe. Cearly companies boast about what theirs systems really can't do, but at this stage in the game, i doubt, highly doubt, that they would clearly state that their system and games could go up to 1080p when theres no way that they could, especially since there are 1080p games out there for the PS3.
Some people like to blame the Devs. Which in some case might be true. i mean after all they're the ones releasing games on multiple platforms while the games only seem to be in 1080 on other platforms. Some people think its the case of them developing the game on a rival system and porting it over to the PS3 because it would be cheaper for them to do so and the PS3 is apperently the more powerful system and its harder to make games for. well then why isn't it in 1080 on the PS3 then if it is on the other system? besides wouldn't it be easier to make it on the harder system and then port it over so nothing is lost? i guess money may still be a factor, but then atleast you wouldn't be cheating the consumer. Another reason i heard was because apperent;y Sony doesn't help developers make games for their system so this is a way of punishing them? again i don't buy that since i know Sony does help Devs, and the blow back from any "punishment" towards Sony product would be evident. aka i don't think Sony would just take it on the Chin. But then you look at Sony exclusive games, case in point Littlebigplanet. A Sony exclusive yet only goes up to 720p. but if its Sony exclusive why is it only on 720 you might be asking. i asked the same thing. the response i got was the game is highly geared towards children or atleast a family friendly environment, and most don't have an HD tv yet so it made sense to make it for a more wide range of what people had. ok....but can't it support multiple outputs? 720 and 1080? i have plenty of games that have multiple outputs so why not this?
The main problem i and most of you should have with this is that its confusing why games aren't released on a standard system and why another system which plays the same games has the upper hand? I mean you'd think Sony alone would be pissed they're losing sales to their competitor due to those who want superior quality. i've switched preorders before on a game that wasn't supporting 1080p on Sony and i'll do it again. which is a shame, i weigh my option on multiple factors, to of the major ones being, how does it look and can i play it with my nephew who has a PS3. i can take a hit in quality if i can play it with my nephew, but i really don't like to. especially when today i did a side by side comparison of the Demo for Brutal Legend on both systems, and while if you only had one system you obviously wouldn't know or care about the difference, but when you look you can definately tell a difference between 720 and 1080.
We know the system can handle it so why is this still an issue? why hasn't it been addressed and why isn't anyone talking about it. seems like the unspoken rule. "don't mention this issue, its taboo.". Screw that i want an answer and it fixed, this is ridiculous at this point. i want an explanation of whats the problem why it hasn't been fixed and when we can expect it to be fixed, or a reason why it won't be. i think if we';re the ones spending the money then we're the ones who deserve an answer!
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