I just did a quick google search... Yes I realize you don't have the steam version, but it seems like a lot of steam users were having the same problem as you. The fix was to make sure that Windows was completely up to date.
devnon06's forum posts
Click on the first link and read the 4th post.
Thanks for the heads up.
That is kind of.. promising.
With every new game I keep asking myself why do they keep making games for this franchise? From memory all of the Alien games have gotten terrible reviews since AVP2.
Saint's Row 4
A very underrated game. Great action, variety, and hilarious.
Must be.. If you are still playing it after all this time. I remember you posting screen shots of it with the same character when it was first released.
I will have to pick it up soon.
Awesome shot.
Sorry if this has been posted before just saw the title and heading out the door to work.
Planning on picking up Consortium up after finishing up a few games first.
Taking on hordes of zombies in your daisy dukes?
The Crew Beta
What do you think of it so far?
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