devtek / Member

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Castle Crashers Images and Club Penguin Mayham

Just a background (its not any popular size becuase I didn't want the quality to degrade by increasing it) I made from one of the Castle Crashers screenshots, along with 4 salvaged gifs of the knights dancing (from the official site), and 4 icon files I made from the gifs. Also what happens when you mix pirates, penguins, and 12 year get Club Penguin's Pirate Party with hundreds of kids asking a vitual avatar to be their friend :roll:. Only thing I couldn't get right was the colours for the orange, red and blue knights (I couldn't lighten them up without screwing up the image).

These are just a couple of things i'm playing around with right now.

 -Edit- Apparently gamespot doesn't like .ico files, I will post them on my site tommorow., nothing spectacular there right now.