devtek / Member

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The 3 Flashing Red Lights Ring of Death!!!

-Thats not my box btw-

I finally decide to dust off my copy of Lego Starwars II and finish up those achievements when low and behold my 360 freezes when I start the game up...No biggie I think, its done this before. So I hit the power button, and OMFG I saw the LIGHTS the RED LIGHTS. Now these lights ain't your pleasure inducing variety that certain big city districts employ. No these red lights say my 360 is f'd up. And of course I'm way past the warranty period so tomorrow (only 1hr 45 Minutes till then I guess) I am going to have to bite the bullet and call Xbox Support and spend 150 bucks (AMERICAN) most likely on getting it fixed in 5 weeks time. Oh joy.

I'm just a little pissed thats all, I mean just when a few good games are coming out my box dies, thankfully Assassin's Creed isn't coming out next week or I think I would have a seizure.