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Please Bethesda go out with a bang not a whimper.

No Besthesda is not shutting their doors and before I talk anymore I just gotta say I LOVE Bethesda and their games I just wanted one of their best games ever, Fallout 3 to end with a bang.

I loved Fallout 3 it has to be one of myfavorite games of all time but I was reallydisappointed when they released Mothership Zeta as their last DLC. I have heard that their are rumors of them making Elder Scrolls 5 but I feel Fallout was left unfinished. Please guys just make a really excellent DLC to end Fallout on but please dont rush it and pull a "crash course" on us (sorry ValVe but you guys f*cked up too).

The New Experience

Well the new Xbox Live Experience is here in about 3 days I think and there has been mix comments mostly (that I have seen) are negative. Most people are saying that its like a mix between PS3 and Wii because the Avatars. The Dashboard looks cool and Netflicks is a cool feature but I must admit I will miss the old Xbox dashboard and i'm still a little skeptical but lets hope it proves my and a whole lot of other gamers wrong.
Thanks for Reading

Fallout all over again

I have just was able to pull my self away from Fallout 3 (only for school), but just wanted to tell everyone to BUY THIS GAME! I will have my review soon but as you can tell I bet you know what i'll be giving this game... Pitch in for game of the year. see you later my fellow vault-dwellers!
Fallout 4 poster

Resistance 2 Beta Part 2

I started playing the Resistance 2 Beta last night and stayed up till about 3 o'clock in the morning it was that fun. First it took about one hour to download (but I really can't complain) and then I quickly went to join a game of co-op campaign and started to play as a solider. Then about 3 minutes into the game people were yelling for ammo and for health so I switched into a medic which I surprisingly liked. In most team based games (for example Team Fortress 2) I felt being some one like a medic was a chore but it really feels fun in this game. I quickly unlocked a Machine Gun for my medic class as a secondary weapon and even though I was playing the same level about 14 times I really liked it. Now lets talk about the classes: first there's the solider your typical heavy character with a Chain Gun and your secondary fire was a shield that you could shoot through but your opponents could not. Now your special for the solider class (lets call them a perk) I think is called "Iron Heart" makes damage done to you less, so if you were getting attacked it would do 50% less damage. Second there's the Medic (my personal favorite) the weapon the medic has is like a life drainer, the primary fire shoots a beam that sucks up the enemy's health and stores it in your gun. The secondary fire shoots a green ball and coming upon contact of a friendly heals them. The medic's perk is a large circle were any one inside it gets healed. Last but not least is the special-ops, the weapon is a burst fire (3 shots in case your dumb)Machine Gun and the secondary fire is a ball that attacks multiple enemy's. The perk is advanced ammo (by the way special-ops can give out ammo).

Well co-op puts you and 7 other people against overwhelming odds, the Beta level puts you in some lumber factory (outdoor) but can get very hard when everyone is spread apart (and you well get spread apart). Well I've had fun and I would like to thank Sony for giving me a Beta code (I'm not special or anything i'm sure most of you have one). Ok thanks for reading and I can't wait to review/play this game.

Resistance 2 Beta

I loged on to my Gmail account today and saw a new message from Playstation Underground... so I clicked on it to find a code to the Resistance 2 beta. Now I haven't tried the beta out yet but I will be soon. I think you can play the 8 player co-op and the 60 player competitive multiplayer. I well tell you guys when I'm done playing it and how it feels. Thanks for Reading.

KOTOR MMO Announced!

Star Wars Nerds Rejoice!Well Star Wars: The Old Republic was just announced today and i'm sure tones of nerds are crapping them self's... me being one of them. But while I was watching the Video I thought about how good it would actually be... Bioware is working on the game and they have made some excellent titles like Mass Effect but I was thinking that the KOTOR series should stay as a single player game. I personally think that Lucas Arts was beating a dead horse (so to say) with their recent title Star Wars Force Unleashed that I was so excited about, then played, then got sad. There all ready is a Star Wars MMO called Star Wars Galaxies but I didn't like it that much and I don't know any one that plays it. I am a big fan of KOTOR 1 and 2 (personally I liked KOTOR 1 better than KOTOR 2) and I hope Bioware takes its time. I would rather them take 4 years and the game be good then to releasing it at the end of 2009 and it being bad. Thanks for reading.

Fall and Winter... SO many good games!

I guess this is my opinion if these games are going to be awesome or not but I think most of you will agree. Lets start with Gears of War 2, now I was a big fan of Gears 1 but I didn't really like the multiplayer... now don't all of you Gears fan boys wright all this crap on the comment section "He sucks balls, he doesn't know a good game if they shot it up his ass..." (that's me trying to get creative) but seriously I am really excited about all the new modes and weapons but the chainsaw dueling looks like it would be fun for about 4 minutes and after that you will get a cramp. Now on to a game I talked about on my first blog... Fallout 3 now this game looks amazing, the graphics and the gameplay (from what i've seen) I am really excited. Now there are so much other games I would like to talk about but I don't want to bored you (all 7 of my viewers).

Rant against Fallout 3 haters

Hey I'm posting my first Blog and I wanted it to talk about a game coming out about in a couple weeks from now. The game is Fallout 3 and I have played the first two Fallout's and really liked them... The many, many ways of customizing your characters stats was incredible. I still think that some of the old fans will not pick up on it, but i've looked around on forums and stuff and I've seen that a lot of people are liking what they see. The game is in good hands thought with Bethesda working on it. I've heard a lot of people also saying that this game would be an "Oblivion clone"... I have seem similar elements to it but nothing to say its a Oblivion clone. Todd Howard is a great guy with good idea (and the Bethesda team) and i'm sure the game will be great. So people who are bashing the game... give it a break.