Haha. i am the slowest person ever. I am finally posting about my Birthday which was on the 31st so its what 7 days after it or so. haha. Well i had a party thing and it was pretty sweet. I got to have friends over and family. Altogether i got about $234 and i get to spend $134 or it. So I am going to get my self Resistance and possibly warhawk, or just another controller. Sorry for the lateness of this post. I've been busy with school now and stuff.
In other news. If you dont get Game Informer then there is some cool stuff in the new issue. One article i did for school was the GreenPeace article which talks about which electronic companies are going green (conserving the Earth's resources and not polluting) and Nintendo, on a scale of 0 to 10, got a 0 and Microsoft got a 2.7 and Sony got a 7.3 which i was surprised at how low some of them scored.
So Until next time see ya