What was considered the greatest year in gaming has finally come to a close. All of the big games are out and now it's time to sit back and play these games for the next year... Wait, 2008 is potentially an even greater year in gaming than 2007!? :o Maybe I should do a bit of research to come up with my...
Dewmandew7's Ten Most Anticipated Games of 2008
Here's a list of my current list of watched games for 2008:
- Naughty Dog's next game
- inFamous
- Resistance 2
- LittleBigPlanet
- Burnout Paradise
- Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
- Mercenaries 2: World in Flames
- Super Smash Bros. Brawl
- Killzone 2
- Battlefield: Bad Company
- Call of Duty 5
- Motorstorm 2
- Free Realms
- The Agency
- Echochrome
- MLB 08: The Show
Now... for the top ten, starting with the tenth.
10. Motorstorm 2
Alright, I'll be frank with you. I never played the original Motorstorm. However, I did play the demo, which was a rush. At the time it came out, I didn't really have the money to pay for it and I was kind of turned off to the game because of its tiny single player aspect. However, now that Evolution Studios knows the problems that the problems the original suffered from, Motorstorm 2 could potentially be the best off-road Rally racing game ever made. The explosions, the crashes, the pretty graphics... all of this combined together could make for an extremely enjoyable experience.
9. Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
Set up to bridge the gap between Star Wars: Episode III and Episode IV, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed has you play as the alleged apprentice to Darth Vader. Being able to use the power of the force in ways never before seen in a Star Wars game could make this the ultimate Jedi-simulator. Also, Lucasart's ground-breaking physics engine could make smashing up objects (and Storm Troopers, for that matter) more exciting and "realistic" than ever before. For any Star Wars fanboy (or even if you're a fan of games in general), this is a game you need to watch.
8. Burnout Paradise
From what I played in the demo, this game will reinvent the open world arcade racer. The most impressive part of the game is the seamless transition from the single player experience to the online multiplayer world. By simply pressing right on the d-pad, you can instantly jump online with friends or just a random room of people. This allows you to race through Paradise City smashing each other up and completing co-op challenges together. With 75 cars to collect and an expansive world to explore online or by yourself, Burnout Paradise is a must have. As a plus, it's coming out later this month!
7. Mercenaries 2: World in Flames
Like Burnout Paradise, Mercenaries 2 is set in an open-world area. Unlike Burnout, more than just cars blow up. With the promise of the first real fully destructible environments, Mercenaries 2 sets the ground work for modern-day action/adventures. You play as a mercenary of choice who has been hired to help out down in Venezuela. There's some big civil war going on or something, but who cares about that when you can pick up oil tanks with a helicopter, fling said oil tank into the air, and blow it up with your guns, all the while burning the forest below you down to the roots?
6. Naughty Dog's next project
This has taken a pretty high spot on the list for not even knowing what it is. Whatever it is, we can be assured that it will be a masterpiece. However, what is it? Uncharted 2? A new Jak game? A brand new IP all together? No matter what Naughty Dog decides to do, I think we can all assume that the game will possibly best even the original Uncharted.
5. Call of Duty 5
Treyarch took a lot of hits after the release of Call of Duty 3, many of them deserved. Don't get me wrong, the overall game was good, but the PS3 version was a bit gimped, with online features that paled in comparison to the 360 version, complete with the required technical flaws that must be included in all PS3 ports. However, this is Call of Duty 5. This installment will take you back to WWII, but don't worry. You're not going to trenches. This time, you've been called to fight the suicidal Japanese in the Pacific Ocean. Personally, I can't wait to yell, "Die, you ***!" instead of "Take that, Jerry." You may be regretting it, but I can't wait for it.
4. inFamous
inFamous is the latest creation of developer Sucker Punch. Known for their Sly Cooper franchise, Sucker Punch is presenting us with an open-world game where you play as a man. A man with powers. A man with powers that has to decide between good and evil. So, you make the call. Do you want to be an evil mastermind, or do you want to save the damsel in distress? You play the super hero/villain. This is really all we know about inFamous so far. However, you can expect to see it this fall.
3. Super Smash Bros. Brawl
Ah... memories. Sitting on the couch with my brother and father playing one of the most entertaining multiplayer games ever... ah... what happy memories. Pikachu, controlled by me, would kick Kirby (my father) into kingdom come. However, like all Kirbies do, he would just float back up and onto the platform. Yes, it was brutal brawling at its best and now it's coming to the Wii! Super Smash Bros. Brawl will easily be the best installment in the series, with tons of new characters, countless levels, and, of course, online play! Are you ready to Brawl? I am!
2. Resistance 2
Resistance was the first game to really make me appreciate the FPS genre. When you take frantic gunplay with an interesting arsenal weapons, you get easily the most thrilling and entertaining work of art ever. Resistance 2 will improve on all of the flaws of its predecessor and possibly be one of the best FPS ever. Also, I can't wait to find out what happens next in the fight against the Chimera. The multiplayer should be excellent, as well. I can't wait for this game. Make sure you stay tuned to the Full Moon Show!
1. LittleBigPlanet
Well, you all saw this one coming. However, LittleBigPlanet truly deserves this. Basically, when you buy this game, you're pretty much. This is you basic side scrolling platformer... with a twist: you can easily craft your own levels and share them with others. With support of up to four to players in both the play aspect AND the create area, LittleBigPlanet is one of the most anticipated games for PS3 this year. It was even named Gamespot's "Game of E3" in 2007. This is the game you HAVE TO WATCH. Everybody will be playing it. It really has no competition in 2007, so this is a storm in and of itself.
As you can see, 2007 won't be the best year of gaming for much longer. With countless high profile titles being released this year, gamers are being spoiled. Do you agree with my list? Comment and even post your own!