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Gamespot... I Am Contemplating Account Suicide

Gamespot, Gamespot, Gamespot... What's wrong with you? Don't you have any brains? Two recent events have really ticked me off. One was a TOS violation I apparently committed and the other is Jeff. So, sit back and read the umpteenth Gamespot rant written in the past couple weeks.

First, I would like to address a moderation I received. On the Golden Compass Launch Center page (which Iranted abouta couple weeks ago here), a big argument had broken out about Aethism vs.Religion/Monotheism and all that stuff, and many people were making comments about Christianity using violence to gain recruits, using the Crusades as their evidence.

You see, there is a slight problem with their logic. Why would you use an event that happened a millenium ago to define a religion that has changed drastically since? I mean, Christianity has undergone reforms since,including the Protestant Reformation (heck, Protestant churches are still breakingapart intodifferent denominations) and theCatholic Reformation shortly after.

So, I commented saying that if you're going to say that religion is based on violence, at least use a religion that has shown itself to use violence to convert members in the here and now. I said to use the Islamic religion as an example. Of course, being rude to Christians is fine, but if you're rude to Muslims, that's downright terrible, and I was moderated for it. The thing that ticks me off the most, though, is that all of the anti-Christian messages remained! How dumb is that!? Thankfully, it was only a warning, but Gamespot's moderators should at least have some consistency.

Secondly, I would like to discuss Jeff Gersstmann's (the former editor of Gamespot) recent removal from the staff. If you haven't heard the story, hear it is in short. Jeff does a video review for Kane and Lynch. The Kane and Lynch developer, Eidos, who was also a major advertiser on the site at that time, did not like Jeff's "tone" in the review. So, Eidos basically told C-Net, "drop Jeff or drop us". Apparently, money was more important to them than editorial integrity and Jeff was both fired and his video review was removed from the site.

It's sad to see him go, because Jeff was one of my favorite staff writers and he was always a fun guy in "On the Spot" and Gamespot's other "shows". Well, now that this has happened, hundreds of gamers have called for a boycott on Gamespot by potential advertisers and of companies that continue to advertise on the site. Gamespot's ads have become minimal and their days may be dwindling.

Gamespot, you are running out of straws. It won't be long before I'm gone. Please get your act together now, or I may be leaving a giant piece of cow droppings on your forums and ending my account's life here at Gamespot. Just kidding about that, but I'll stop visiting. Yeah, there goes your 0 cent profit on me... WHAT NOW!?