On May 1, 2008, O'Gorman High School went into lock down for a half hour. The following events took place from about 9:45 until 10:15.
Andrew Gaspar's (dewmandew7) Take:
Personal Finance clas was winding down. Five minutes until the end of clas an announcement came over the intercom that we were going into lock down. We all thought it was just a drill and were laughing quietly, but not loudly enough as to get in trouble. We made our way into the corner of the clas room and sat down. The bell rang and we weren't released. Our clas started to worry. About ten minutes later, they came over the intercom asking the teachers if they had two students in their clasrooms. We became worried. I saw one student in tears. Another ten minutes passed. They told us we were released to our next periods. We step into the hall, but police officers ARMED with SUB-MACHINE GUN and SHOTGUNS (as reported by students who were able to leave the clasroom quicker than I) told us to go back in the clasroom. There was some panic. However, three minutes later, we were finally released. There had been no threat. Click the link to find out what really happened.
Keith Kasten's Take:
We were really bored and alot of girls were crying over never seeing the ones they loved again... sending texts to people... then we thought it was over then someone saw a cop with a gun, panicked and we had to sit for another 10 minutes.
Anthony Sierra's Take:
Ok, so we were sitting around in Chemistry, just minding our own business, when suddenly we heard there was a lockdown. We headed over into the closet, and the first thing I noticed was that it was absolutely enormous. I mean Jesus, from the outside it was normal sized, but on the inside, it was a fricking seperate room. Anyways, we went in and the teacher turned off the lights. It was going all good until my friend started freaking out and touched my shoulder. Considering it was in a dark closet with no one in close proximity, I felt a little awkward. However, it didn't get too kinky or anything. He started telling me about how he thought he was going to die, and repeated a lot of questions, like "Is there a killer in the school?"
I went to sleep. For a good period of time, there was silence, until over the intercom we heard. "Please do not leave your ****ooms. We are still in lockdown mode." At this point, there was pandemonium. Girls all over were whispering and screaming, but I couldn't really see anything, so I went back to sleep. I had a short nap, followed by people shaking the door handle, and then we could go out. Yeah, it wasn't too interesting, although a few other people did have their doors busted down by the cops.