First, their was a person by the name of Uzi2000 putting pics of old gay men doing it(here is the pic, but it is sickening: a naked black dude, and a fugly naked woman. After that was done with, about 2 or 3 threads were made about do you sleep with your console and the weird crap that was happening on SW. About 12 A.M. there was some racist who made 3 accounts. He was saying "**** Muslims!" and "All Muslims go to hell!" along with other racist junk. The account names were Fukkmuslims, (forgot the second accounts name), and HMMfukmuslims. It was the same person. Also, QFT got banned and deadman never showed up! More to come on this developing story.
Update: And today(June 25th) on System Wars, someone by the name of PS3_is_my_Homy made numerous threads about Ken Kutaragi being God. On one of those threads I made a statement about him not being as dumb as George W. Bush, and from that comment this thread was probably formed, . This shows I am better than you all!