dexterdt's forum posts
my 1 year warranty is up and since its not RoD cust care says I have to pay $99!
holy crap man! wats wrong with this thing???
guys, has anyone experience this before?
I was playing DOA4 when suddenly the screen was filled with green color / hue watever its called, after I did a reboot, there was no more video, no sounds and everything. I did all the troubleshooting I can think and read of but nothing works
theres no video, no audio but theres also no 3 red lights the xbox turns on but no video/audio!
mines a july 2006 model xbox 360 HELP
really I mean it, HELP!
1gig free from my gigapack purchase
bought another card
4gig ms, not high speed though
since july 06 and its still going strong ^_^
$60 is still cheap, back then I had to pay like $90 for a chrono trigger SNES game, then like $70 for donkey kong country SNES game. When the ps1 was release games got cheaper except for valkyrie profile which I paid for a f****** $150! Got it now again on psp for only $30 now though ^_^
considering this is a new gen of gaming, be happy its only $60 brand new ^_^
DO NOT make your 360 scratches games.sgt_hassan
Nope, it doesnt
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