I'm going to school next year and looking for a good laptop that will work for my school side, and also gaming side. I intend to play games such as CS Source, All Points Bulletin, and some other games. Ideally I want a computer that can play most games, and play them well, however I also want a good computer for school work. Is this one any good? http://www.shopping.hp.com/webapp/shopping/computer_can_series.do;HHOJSID=SQQrM2DCS0TfrFp1GPPSfZpjKxRNR95Q1LLrtBtP7vfcYD3Xbv3g!-637608156?storeName=computer_store&category=notebooks&a1=Category&v1=High+performance&series_name=dv6tse_series&jumpid=in_R329_prodexp/hhoslp/psg/notebooks/High_performance/dv6tse_series Is this one any good/which is better? http://www.bestbuy.com/site/Toshiba+-+Satellite+Laptop+/+Intel%26%23174;+Core%26%23153;+i7+Processor+/+16%22+Display+/+4GB+Memory+/+640GB+Hard+Drive+-+Slate/9992966.p?id=1218206183902&skuId=9992966
So i've been looking at trailers for the game, and reviews. People say its repetitive but it looks like a good game, however probably not worth the $49.99. Any suggestions? If you say its a good game give me a reason, and likewise if it is a bad one. Thanks!
Buying a laptop soon, here are some games I already like or want: Civilization V, Tropico 3, Counter Strike Source. I play most simulators, RPGs, RTS, Turn Based, and FPS games. Open to most. Thanks. I have STEAM and i'd prefer to buy on that
I am looking for a new laptop for college, however NOT a mac, I want a PC. I am not very computer educated so any help would be great. I am planning on doing some gaming, with games such as: Civilization V, Counter Strike Source, Tropico 3...etc. any other game suggestions would be great, I like RPGs, FPS, RTS, Turn Based, Simulators...etc. I was thinking of getting a Toshiba or Sony? Although I don't know how good they are. I am willing to spend between $450-$999. Sorry if I didn't do this forum post right also because i'm new to the forums. Thank you!
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