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Was The GTA 5 "High Life" DLC Over Hyped?

Lot's of Grand Theft Auto fans are not sure what to make of this long awaited multiplayer update that was just released a few days ago. Even I was really excited for it and I have not played my 360 in months. Friends would keep sending me messages saying High Life DLC coming next week! Even the popular gaming websites and forums I visit had news articles and tons of threads talking about this like it was the royal wedding. Don't even get me started with YouTubers and the videos they were making. I felt like this update was almost like a election with how much marketing was out there.

All that and yet after 20 mins of playing the game, besides a couple new cars and possibly a new apartment, I can't seem to find anything all that great about it...

Personally I wish Rockstar would have just focused on making the game for next gen consoles and PC. Or atleast taken care of the money glitches and reset those who cheated.

If your not sure what the High Life DLC in GTA 5 was all about, check out this YT video by GamerTutorials.


What do you guys think of all this?


Is The Gaming Market Too Diluted?

With Sony launching PS4 and Microsoft coming out with Xbox One, why are big companies like Rockstar still developing games and dlc for previous gen consoles? I feel that this is just slowing down the future of gaming and diluting the gaming community ever more than it already is. With so many games, so many systems including PC, players on some games like BF4 for XboxOne can't even find servers that are full enough to have a complete match. At peak hours like Saturday afternoon everything seems normal but jump on at 2:30 in the morning and you might find yourself searching for matches a lot longer than ever before. So when will these companies decide that people need to help the industry move forward or will they continue to suck every last penny they can out of previous gen consoles? Never before have we seen such a slow transition into next gen. I remember when a new console came out back in the day, it just wasn't cool to be stuck in the past. Now a days it's almost the opposite...

What do you guys think? Should Sony and Microsoft work together to push the industry into the future or is it smart to leave to options open to the players to decide by supporting their old consoles?

What I Hope To See In The GTA High Life DLC. Thoughts And Idea's.

With the new Grand Theft Auto update coming out this next week, what can we expect as far as new content? Will this update be what Rockstar needs to get people back on previous gen consoles? Some say their time would be better spend making the game compatible with XboxOne and PS4 rather than spending so much time on Xbox360 and PS3. Its not doubt this game series has a massive following that will mostly likely never die, but many player have moved onto next generation consoles.

With this new update GTA 5 will feature new apartments and real estate, a couple new weapons, and the long awaited bank heists. So much time has been put into this new DLC but will it be enough to have players sticking around days after the launch?

Not only will the new DLC have lots of great content, but they will be fixing bugs and glitches. Some rumours have been floating around the gaming forums talking about the possibility of player having their money reset for exploiting car duplication tricks and money lobbies. If that is the case, their might end up being more upset people on the day of the update that happy ones. After all, their are endless ways to cheat on GTA and the majority of players have been taking full advantage.

Check out this great video uploaded by a good friend of mine WiLLisGaming that has everything you need to know about the new "High Life" Update. http://www.dieselgaming.com/media/need-something-new-to-do-on-gta-rockstar-has-confirmed-high-life-update-may-13th.161/media