I got a new video card. A Geforce GTX 260 Black Edition.
I ordered it off Newegg, and it came in the mail today. Problem: I can't install it yet, because I still have a 400 watt power supply, and the card wants at least a 550. Solution: I ordered a 630 watt power supply. Problem: It's coming in the mail tomorrow.
Sidenote: It came with Far Cry 2,Call of Duty: World at War, and 3DMark Vantage Advanced Edition. $120 worth of software with a $200 card. Plus a $30 rebate, so in theory, I'm only paying $40 for the card itself.
Another sidenote: Far Cry 2 isn't really Far Cry 2.It isn't made by Crytek. It doesn't use the Cryengine. It's made by Ubisoft and uses the Dunia Engine. It has nothing to do with Far Cry, except that it involves shooting dudes in the face. It's more like Blood Diamond: The Official Game of the Official Movie of the Official Game.
And I have poison ivy.
And Newegg is roxor.
Update: I answered themyrmidon's question and ended up writing another essay, so I just threw it up here.
I didn't get anything else, just a card. I still have my AMD 4600+ and 2 gigs of Corsair XMS2. I looked at an AMD 6000+ and 4 gigs of the same RAM, but those are AM2 and DDR2, which are getting dated. Before I get a new CPU or RAM, I'm upgrading my motherboard to use a better CPU slot, and possibly DDR3 RAM, although I heard it's not that much of an improvement, it's just more expensive. I got the video card because PCIe16 is pretty much the gold standard right now, and upgrading won't make my nice new video card useless.
So yeah, it's probably a bottleneck, but not too bad. My current CPU is fast enough to run most games anyway. I went with only a card so I could upgrade to a newmotherboard and not make any of my new parts useless.
By the way, the new card is great. I loaded up Assassin's Creed, which I could previously run at medium-high with my old monitor (1280x1024) but since I recently doubled the pixels (1680x1050) I had to decrease it to medium-low. Anyway, as soon as I started it up, I maxed out everything and jumped in. It runs great, constantly smooth. :D It also runs ridiculously hot. After finishing off the assassination I was working on, I popped the case open and felt the metal casing on the side of the card, and couldn't keep my hand there for more than 5 seconds. I might need to look into that, check how hot the chipset itself runs, and possibly underclock it a little. Actually, I'm going to underclock it anyway, because it's preset to run at 666 mhz. :?