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dhalamar425 Blog

Putting some of my reviews on here from my site.

I have a site over at where I review Xbox Live Indie Games. So I figured I'd make use of the account I have here and I'm going to start putting my reviews of games on here after they've been on my site for a while.

Mostly because I'm honestly very lazy and I can't be bothered to do it the same day, but still.

Check out the site if you're interested in the Indie Games section of Xbox Live.

More stuff.

Got some more old stuff recently. Jack Niclaus Golf for the NES and Game Boy, a PGA Tour '97 Tiger LCD game. Pit Fighter for the SNES, even though it unfortunately doesn't work. A dance mat game for my daughter which is basically a glorified Nintendo. I think it's horrible, and damned well wasn't worth the money. But she likes it.

PGA European Tour for the SNES. Some Xbox 360 games, even though those aren't as important.

And with any luck I'll have a Sega Nomad coming. Even though it's doubtful.

And got an Asus eee PC. Has a 1.6ghz Intel Atom processor, 1GB of RAM, 4GB SSD hard drive, weighs about 2.4lbs with an 8.9" screen at 1024x600. Offsetting the fact that it doesn't have an optical drive in it with an external USB DVD burner. And I've got an 8GB SD card to add some space to the tiny hard drive. Other than the severe lack of space, and the fact that the OS that it came with is damn near useless, it runs nice after you replace the operating system. I'm gonna eventually stick a 2GB RAM chip in it to max out the memory. I'm running Ubuntu 8.10 at the time of this writing, even thogh I'm thinking of putting Windows XP on it eventually just to see how it does. Not going to be fun installing it though. Have to mess around finding the drivers, doing a thousand and one updates, installing a worthwhile browser, putting antivirus and anti spyware stuff on it. Putting a messenger on it that's not MSN. With Ubuntu all of that stuff is already there, and it's a hell of a lot better to run.

Just got one of my Amazon orders in the mail today.

It was The Irate Gamer Volume 1, the movie Pirates of Silicon Valley (great flick if you haven't seen it) and the TV game Ultimotion Swing Zone.

This Ultimotion thing is basically just a cheap knockoff of Wii Sports. Same basic idea, using a wireless remote and whatnot to play games like Bowling, Tennis, Baseball, Golf and Football. I thought about getting this from Wal-Mart out of curiosity a few times but two things kept me from it. #1) I don't like the Nintendo Wii and #2) I'm not going to shell out $70 on a stupid TV game when the Wii is only $200 used at Gamestop when they actually have it.

But then I found it on Amazon for a little over $20. That's more like it. I haven't had the chance to play it yet. Maybe I'll actually take pictures of it and provide screenshots or something coming from someone who isn't that familiar with the better Nintendo Wii. Maybe I'll provide some sort of direct comparisson. Not sure what I'm going to do, I do know that I want to write something about it. Stay tuned, provided I get the incentive to write it.

More retro crap.

I bought one of those Retro Duo things off of Amazon the other day (although it won't be here for another week or two because I'm too cheap to pay for the good shipping). It's a deal that apparently has a high compatibility rate that plays both SNES and NES games. And it also supports the original SNES peripherals like the controllers, arcade joysticks, probbably the Super Scope 6 "bazooka".

Then I realized that I didn't have any SNES games anymore. So I went out and bought the Super Gameboy, Killer Instinct and the Super Star Wars trilogy (which, surprisingly enough still have the boxes and manuals and everything. I guess it was a Star Wars nerd like me who had them before).

I can't wait till I get it so I can start playing games like Killer Instinct and Zelda again. :)

Computer upgrade.

My system is fairly basic. Not a baby, but not a powerhouse by any stretch of the imagination. It's a Dell Inspiron 531 desktop.

Processor : Intel DC at 2.1ghz
RAM : (original with 2GB) 4GB of PC5300
Graphics : Originally had a pathetic (but functional) onboard Geforce 6150se, upgraded to a 128MB PCI-e Geforce 6600GT and replaced that with an EVGA Geforce 8600GT Super Clocked PCI-e card with 256MB of GDDR3 RAM.

The rest to me is pretty trivial since I've never been all that picky about the sound card (I'm using the same 2 speakers I've been using for the better part of 8 years). And I just don't like actually building systems anymore. I'm content upgrading the hell out of a cheapie machine.

But it feels great to be able to play a lot of these modern games at a good framerate, especially compared to what I was getting with the old card.

I know I could do better with 8800GT or whatever, but I'm on a budget, and this card was in it. :)

What is it with me?

I went out and bought Gears of War (the original) and Call of Duty 4 a while back. And while I can't find anything to fault either one ... I still don't think they're any good.

But earlier today I got Star Wars : Force Unleashed, and while it has it's glaring flaws (the camera and aiming mostly) it's still an awesome game. I'm so into it right now I'm actually at a friend''s house right now playing it on an old 13" TV using an RF modulator to hook the 360 up to it. :P

And I also got some DVD games. You know, those games that play on a regular old DVD player and you use the remote to play them.

I already had the original Mad Dog McCree, but I happened across Mad Dog II AND something that I didn't even know existed, Tiger Woods PGA Tour '07. And it's strangely addictive, I'm playing it right now actually. It has it's "flaws" when you consider the limitations of doing a game like that, but it's still pretty cool for what it is. If you see it at your local store, I recommend picking it up. It's 1 to 4 players, 4 different golfers to choose from and 2 courses. A lot better use of the remote in my opinion than Mad Dog, which is a pain to play with that bloody thing.

Now I'm gonna finish up my game, then continue to play either Star Wars Force Unleashed or Lego Star Wars : The Complete Saga.

God, I need help. haha

Got Rock Band for the PS2. Now, if you read the posts below, you'll realize that I recently got an Xbox 360. So why get the inferior PS2 version of the game? One simple reason. It cost me $65. heh

Also got Halo 2 Collecter's Edition, the Halo 2 multiplayer map pack, The Xbox 360 version of Marvel Ultimate Alliance, Spiderman 3 for the 360 and Project Gotham Racing 3.

And I have to say, what is the appeal with Assassin's Creed? Good Lord it's boring.

Finally got my 360 back.

Just got my Xbox 360 back today, and all of my expired Xbox Live cards worked. :) So now I'm sitting on a year of Xbox Live Gold (plus one month), and full versions of Frogger, Time Pilot and Astropop. My Gamertag is Dhalamar for those of you who might be interested, though I doubt my rating or whatever will ever go up since I'm not THAT much of a gamer.

And I went ahead and downloaded Yaris and Aegis Wing. Yaris because I've read that it's an absolutely HORRID game, and I like to try them to see just how bad they really are. And I've heard from a couple of people that Aegis Wing is pretty good.

More stuff, not quite AS retro this time. But still old.

Went to Gamestop and nabbed Pariah for the Xbox, X-Men : The Official Game and Prey for the 360, Tokyo Xtreme Racer : DRIFT for the PS2, and a Madcatz Arcade Gamestick for the 360 that has downloads for Frogger, Astropop and Time Pilot.

Of course, with my recent luck with Xbox Live cards, the game cards are expired. :\

I'm gonna try them anyway when I get my system ... if they don't work maybe Microsoft can work somethin' out because they've only been expired for a couple of months.

I haven't gotten a chance to try out the joystick with any games seeing as how I don't have much of anything in the way of games installed on my laptop. Not exactly a high powered gaming machine here.

Sitting on a 1.6ghz Dual Core with 4GB of RAM, a 256MB Intel Extreme X3100 or somethin' graphics card unfortunately running Windows Vista Home Premium.

One of these days I'll get around to installing Linux on it, but they have to get the headphone jacks working with this thing because the built in speakers SUCK.

More retro stuff. :)

Sometimes I love pawn shops. Just got back with the original Legend of Zelda, Startropics and Final Fantasy for the Nintendo. Came out to 15 bucks. Hell yeah.

And, even though I know I overpaid for it considering it's less than 40 bucks on Amazon (don't tell me about eBay, I don't bother with it), I got the Xbox 360 HD-DVD drive with 300 and The Bourne Ultimatum. Came out to ..... $65 for that. Yeah yeah ... I know HD-DVD is a dead format, but I don't care. What few movies that did come out for it ... like the two I got ... they're still high definition, and it's cheap. I don't mind the dead format.

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