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Just got one of my Amazon orders in the mail today.

It was The Irate Gamer Volume 1, the movie Pirates of Silicon Valley (great flick if you haven't seen it) and the TV game Ultimotion Swing Zone.

This Ultimotion thing is basically just a cheap knockoff of Wii Sports. Same basic idea, using a wireless remote and whatnot to play games like Bowling, Tennis, Baseball, Golf and Football. I thought about getting this from Wal-Mart out of curiosity a few times but two things kept me from it. #1) I don't like the Nintendo Wii and #2) I'm not going to shell out $70 on a stupid TV game when the Wii is only $200 used at Gamestop when they actually have it.

But then I found it on Amazon for a little over $20. That's more like it. I haven't had the chance to play it yet. Maybe I'll actually take pictures of it and provide screenshots or something coming from someone who isn't that familiar with the better Nintendo Wii. Maybe I'll provide some sort of direct comparisson. Not sure what I'm going to do, I do know that I want to write something about it. Stay tuned, provided I get the incentive to write it.