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More retro crap.

I bought one of those Retro Duo things off of Amazon the other day (although it won't be here for another week or two because I'm too cheap to pay for the good shipping). It's a deal that apparently has a high compatibility rate that plays both SNES and NES games. And it also supports the original SNES peripherals like the controllers, arcade joysticks, probbably the Super Scope 6 "bazooka".

Then I realized that I didn't have any SNES games anymore. So I went out and bought the Super Gameboy, Killer Instinct and the Super Star Wars trilogy (which, surprisingly enough still have the boxes and manuals and everything. I guess it was a Star Wars nerd like me who had them before).

I can't wait till I get it so I can start playing games like Killer Instinct and Zelda again. :)