@begida @JC_AEK4ever Quiet causal. Know your place at the bottom of the food chain and stop throwing a hissy fit. You just suck at games , thats all there is to it.
@pcostix Hate?? I dont see any hate for dark souls 2. Its just that casuals get owned and stuck by lemurs in things betwixt and the revelation that theyre casuals makes their minds explode and act like lunatics on dark souls 2 threads. End of
@begida Youre a casual, a filthy filthy casual. Like rock bottom of the food chain casual. Even below cod nerds. So instead of moaning and embarassing yourself on this thread best course of action is to admit youre a poor casual and suck at games and choose another line of recreation perhaps?? no??
I think she's great. About the snubs towards her, well....... lets just say that its directly proportional to the number of racists and bigoted nonces you encounter on xbox live and psn,
As for her being a gamer. Know that i consider most of you people who havent touched a Souls game to be FILTHY CASUALS.
Lol'ed at the 3 player reviews which average at 5.7. The tears of sony fanboys is sooo sweeeet!!!! The next couple of weeks are going to be even more painful. Great review GS.
diabloakaSAHA's comments