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diaboromon Blog

wanna be a part of my family??

well apply here!




sister: gaaraofthefunk5 (yes i know *facepalms*)


in-laws -.-: (2 spots available)

best friend

old pervert who lives down the street but we still love him:






so either comment or PM me to apply

this is horrible.....

there is this girl that i have fallen in love with in school.....and i found out she is in my 2nd period gym class just different activities......and now i find out from my good friend that this guy who hits on every amazingly hot girl he sees (trust me this girl could get a senior) is in her class....IM SO PISSED!!!!!!

btw i broke up with my old girl friend for being too clingy

i got a new game...

figured i would state my 2 new games i got.....well i got yu-gi-oh! GX tag force 2...pretty fun solid story line though unlike the first the begining you choose who you want to be your tag partner and duel people around the island, play mini games, buy packs of cards, and even eat sandwiches (for the purpose of becoming greater friends with your partner) after you fill up 1 heart (8 hearts in total) there will be an event somewhere on the island pertaining to you or your partner......when you fill up all eight you grab a new partner and do it all over again.....tons of replay value and takes a decent chunk of time to get just 1 heart (i got it on sunday and only filled in 1 heart today) over all pretty good game (aside from the AI which is so dumb i could beat them with 1 monster card and 39 useless spell/trap cards(and by AI i mean your partner) )

the second game i got which was a bout 2 weeks ago was digimon world dawn....i played the first one for the DS and enjoyed it so i picked this one up....awesome game BTW....i have a pretty strong megidramon, justimon, and doesnt have alot of replay value aside from completing the digi-dex (not official name but most people call it that) and doing farm specific species also has wi-fi so you can match (make digi-eggs and hatch them later) and battle online....though make sure you have maxed out stats! i learned the hard way

so those are my recent all my friends at gamespot/!

MODS SUCK!!!! I HATE MODS!!!!! (if you mods can see this just PM me a warning if you are gonna delete it cuz it took me a while to write this lol)

solve my mind bending riddles

one day some dude was captured by fairies. the head fairies told him he could one final statement of which would determine how he would die

if false he would would be boiled in water

if true he would be fried in oil

he did not like these options so he said the only thing to get him out...what was it???

i am somtimes strong

and sometimes weak

but i am no body's fool

for there is no language i can not speak

though i never went to school

what/who am i??

a man went 20 days w/o a minute of sleep

yet he was never tired

how did he manage to do this??

and the last one...

the following sentence is false

yet the one above this is true

are these sentences true or false??

every body quick read this announcement

man its good to see you all again! the reason i havent been on in like 7 years is because my new girlfriend is kinda attached to me......considering im no longer a virgin.....i just feel so young...15 and already not a virgin.....i havent told my friends yet because im afraid of what they might think.....they may think im the coolest kid arouns.....or they may spread rumors and my girl friend could get a horrible reputation...what so you all think about me having sex at 15???? i kinda feel accomplished but then a little sad on the inside.....what if this realationship doesnt last too much longer??? was it really a good idea to have sex at such an early age??? oh and dont suggest telling my dad because he would ki,ll me.....or maybe congradulate me.....or think im joking around....either way i feel i should have waited.....but it was wierd because we had like the same thing on our mind.....i was thinking "maybe i should ask her...." and she went out and asked me "do you think we are ready??" so i took a condom out of my dads draw and went to her house on valentines night with no one home....and thats how it happened

re you kidding me????

i cnnot post the number one nore the letter tht comes right before B mening the first letter in the lphebet

my stupid dd spilt lemonde ll over it.... i need to get new keybord tommorow..... so if it looks like i hve spelling mistkes mke sure to look if it is the letter tht come before B...... fter B ws supposed to be n exclmtion point....dmn im missing the mjor vowel here people

making new KHII AMV

well i am making a new KHII AMV with the full version of the naruto shippuuden 2nd opening...

i have every cutscene from KHII on my HD so it will be very easy finding the clips to fit in....the only problem is timing...

expect it by later today or tommorow afternoon

Reibut to monsters

no not this kind:hjghj

this kind: energy

i love monster ebergy! i drink it like every day....right now im drinking a monster assault! ahhhhh so good!....and god my fingers are going all over the keyboard right typing faster than normal and i love it

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