g'day mates,
sorry I couldn't resist adding a g'day
anyway I got MIKA life in cartoon motion album yesterday and I swear I've listened to it 10 times at least and its really depressing in most of the songs!!
10 out of 10 for me!!!
I am sooooooo annoyed the Sunday telegraph the paperwhich every Sunday we've brought and every Sunday I read the comics and TV guide. They've changed the comics from just pulling 2 pages of the paper out that are already folded and good to about 3-6 that you have to fold and cut!
packed full of useless information and smaller comics!!!!!! not to mention its aimed for young children and promotes big brother & teen fit camp couldn't bebothered to check what else.
waste of paper space and all i want is to read a thew comics!! Is that too much to ask for?????
p.s 1 day2 hours and8 minutes to supernatural and 1 day 3 hours and 7 minutes to tourchwood