I really liked it! The ending is awesome! It is probably my favorite sandbox game. I had a blast playing it!
MP is also cool, especially if you have friends who will ride alongside you to sunset!
I really liked it! The ending is awesome! It is probably my favorite sandbox game. I had a blast playing it!
MP is also cool, especially if you have friends who will ride alongside you to sunset!
I really have to resist this feeling that has me buying games compulsively... so... only two games for me this year... Deus Ex and Dragon Age 2... no more no less... gotta get back to my backlog...
I haven't played Castlevania or Darksiders for that matter.
Actually, I bought Darksiders on a friend's recommendation, but it is gathering dust because of my huge backlog. But, I've heard good things especially the Zelda-esque gameplay or something, got me interested. Also, I like Joe Madureira, so... it was a no-brainer...
I don't actually care at a conscious level.... but I still wonder why my MGS4 is getting dust on my shelf... as opposed to all other PS3 games I have finished with trophy support...
I agree... never really understood all the praise for HL2... I even bought The Orange Box to try and understand it, but I got sucked into some Portal... :p Anyways: My favorites are: World at War (for Nazi Zombies), Halo 3 and Left For Dead (great MP)I've never understood the love for HL2. While I think it's a decent game, I really don't see anything that warrants all the praise it receives. It feels souless and so empty most of the time, the vehicle sections are terrible, the gunfights are drab that have no feeling of impact coupled with poor enemy A.I., and the lack of music sucks any atmosphere remaining. I love the weapons and characters though as well as the physics based puzzles, and the story is somewhat decent, but as far as gameplay goes I just don't see it as anything extremely noteworthy.
On topic, I'd have to choose Doom I and II as the best. They kick started an entire genre, have aged extremely well and are just as replayable as the day they were released.
Same here... I really like buying games, put them in a neat pile, getting hyped reading the news... but when it comes to playing them... I like to start them all... but lately I have been stopping midway through the game... too many long games... (FFXIII comes to mind...)
Lost Odyssey About Emotion, Not Innovation
Reveiws say the game is totally lacking in innovation. It's a 90s JRPG in current-gen clothing. But that's OK! Because The Gooch says that's exactly what he was gunning for:
With Lost Odyssey I had a desire to make a game which could evoke the player's emotion. To pursue that desire, I decided to adopt my traditional $tyle in game system rather than taking a risky attempt.Does he succeed? That's up to you. People who get into the whole effeminate warrior/epic saga deal may well find their tears jerked by Kaim's tragic tale, but those who don't would probably trade the emotion in for even a pinch of "risk" in Mistwalker's conservative game design.
Well, it's not the first time he adopts his traditional $tyle in a game... Blue Dragon comes to mind.... I don't know why... :p
No need to fire up a new thread... there's one right here...
This cat is a ***** (no pun intended)... he could barely touch the enemies or fall off a certain height and that would mean death... I found this game very hard when I played a long time ago... it made me very frustrated... but I guess it was a nice option to be played when you didn't want to play Marios or Sonics... also another alternative was the Rocket Knight Adventures...
Edit: Got censored there! Bwahahahaha!
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