so i wanna know which should i get , i want the one with some good multiplayer
diehard08's forum posts
If call of duty didnt exist
what do you think , which game would have been the BIGGEST GAMING FRANCHISE now ??
all three of your poll options suck...first of all, infinity ward is no more, whether or not that leaves out a mw3 or not is besides that, secondly, they didnt F anything up, they're the originators, treyarch are just the copycats working on what infinity ward created.. any decent gamer would know that, the treyarch cod's will never be as good as the IW cod's so don't go saying stuff like black ops 2 will be better cause IW F'd up, makes you sound like a little brat... personally i dont think we'll be seeing a third modern warfare, that's IW's legacy and since IW is no more i think they should leave it at that...they might make a third one if they think people arent sick of the whole modern warfare thing yet, but it'll never be the same quality of what cod4 and mw2 were.. im more excited about what the new studio Respawn Entertainment will do, its those IW guys that got the real talent.. as for cod, i think the next ones will also be made by treyarch, for now..Foxdiesdude thats what people are saying , cod4 was amazing , but look how mw2 was unbalanced and in the end its all the same publisher activision so i dont think treyarch copied IW !!
so now that call of duty for next year is confirmed
what do you think , u want modern warfare 3 by infinity ward , black ops 2 by treyarch or a whole new CALL OF DUTY game
Hey there
add me PSN : DieHard008
No, its officially not going to happen
so dont cry xbox360 owners
its free :)
LOLno. but id trade my 360 for a PS3. wait, i already did.
[QUOTE="FlamesOfGrey"][QUOTE="fastr"] I don't know why it matters to you so much. I just set up my wireless tho and am updating the system now. Edit: Synced, why do you actually have to sync it, why isn't it automatic like the 360. fastrWell, there are alot of people who pretend to own systems especially when they are always talking down about that systems said exclusives. Ask Sony? I don't work on PSN. Just because someone doesn't fall over sonys exclusives like alot of the cows here on system wars doesn't mean they're fake or lying. If you ask me most of the praise for sony here in SW is the real fake stuff, i've played these games and they are nothing to write home about. I think alot of people praise them simple because they don't want to admit to anyone (including themselves) that MS has outdone sony. dude i will admit it now. one of the best games i ever played is uncharted 2 and metal gear is awesome .killzone 2 is great and 3 looks amazing. twisted metal looks like the new multiplayer awesomness so how MS outdoned sony :)
I did, only because I got it really cheap off ebay. The cows here like to talk about how much better the exclusives are on the ps3.. are you kidding me? The 360 dominates the ps3 in all ways. The best exclusive i've played so far was infamous, which wasn't even better then prototype. So yeah, your not missing anything guys, don't worry about it. fastrwow dude have u even played uncharted 2 , killzone 2 , heavy rain , god of war 3 , and many many more actully yep ur missing alot
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