Well it's that time again. The wonderful, wonderful time when report cards are winging themselves towards the homes of unsuspecting students. Not something I'm looking forward to. So far I look okay. A- in Graphic Design (I think he knocked points off because my eyes tend to wander to the 'net when I'm in this class) and B in English. But I always worry. Grades are big thing to me, mostly because I have to put up with friends who are about ten times smarter than I am, and when we're comparing grades I like to have something that actually compares. I'd also like to prove to people - namely Paul - that I'm not the total screw up he likes to think I am. But I'm worried - not so much about Band or Wind Ensemble, I'm always okay in those. More History than anything. My project and test grades in that class haven't been so hot lately. Hopefully they'll be enough to scrape me a B- though. That's all I'm asking for right now. I have a bad feeling though that it's not going to happen *sigh* At least my mom doesn't care so much about grades - I think she kind of expects me to bring low B's and C's.
*shrugs* So anyways, I'm in Graphic Design right now. We're watching I Am Legend - for anyone that doesn't know, I Am Legend is about a man - played by Will Smith - who is the only survivor of some disease that mutated all the people in the city he lives in, and he's trying to find a cure. That's the basic idea, at any rate. It's really weird so far. His dog's name is Sam. Random fact. You're probably wondering why we're watching it. The idea is to compare the effects in it to Spiderman, which we watched Friday/Monday. That's what Mr. Macedo says, at any rate. Honestly, I just don't think he wants to teach (not that he's taught me anything anyway. I came into this class knowing what I was doing).