'Cause if it is, I'm a terrible person indeed
Backing up. Here's what happened:
We went to Salisbury yesterday into today. I didn't want to go to begin with, but I didn't have a choice. Moving on. Paul's sick (YES!!!!), and it's making him a miserable bastard (moreso than usual). So anyways, we get home today, my mom tells Paul to just take his stuff up, and we'll get the rest. I get as much as I can carry, and ask her if she wants me to come back down. She says no, so I go upstairs and start unpacking. A few minutes later my mom stiill hasn't come upstairs, and Paul starts laying into me saying, "If she had to make another trip I'll kick your ass." So I said (never mind said, I yelled), "She told me not to worry about coming back down!" and he says, "Don't raise your voice or I will kick your ass" and I said, "Well then don't threaten me!" And he says, "I'll threaten you all I want! Next time we just won't bring you so we won't have as much stuff to carry!" (which would really be just fine with me)
And if that isn't bad enough, it turns out my mom did have to make a second trip down, and he starts laying into me about being lazy and only caring about myself, and how while I was in my room I was probably on the computer (which I wasn't!) and so on and so forth, completely ignoring my mom when she says I did offer to make a second trip down. Then he turns around and says, "Well I should have just gone down myself, I'm in such perfect health."
Boo friggin' hoo. The damn man is sick. It happens to everybody. It's not like it's my fault, but he seems to enjoy taking it out on me. I mean, come on. What the hell did I even do? I offered to go down again, she said no, it's not my friggin' fault. But does Paul care? No. And what's more, he thinks he has the right to threaten me over it. No one has the right to threaten me, especially not him. He does that again...well, he better not.
Hoping your weekend was better than mine,