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My First Day

Ha. Ahaha. last day of my first day of high school. Does that make any sense? Probably not, it's something my friends and I made up. This is my Senior year of high school, let's go with that.'d it go?

First Block: Virtual High School, otherwise known as VHS. It. Freakin'. Rocked. I signed up for an online Creative Writing class ('cause I've taken all the writing classes my school has to offer, and interned one, so I've nothing left xD). And I can already tell I'll be right at home there. I'm SO looking forward to it. The people I've met so far all seem really nice, and like me they're all really interested in writing, so hopefully that'll go okay. I'm with three friends in there: Katie, Katie, and Tanya. It'll be fun

Second Block: Honors English 12. Haha. Yeah. We had to write an essay discussing two ethical topics. I did Gay Marriage and Abortion and -- if I'm allowed to get up on the soapbox a little -- I think I did very well on it. Teacher seems nice enough -- I had her for Cluster last year, she was okay, left us to our own devices pretty much. Two friends: Catie and Corinne

Third Block: AP Psychology. Ha, ha, and ha again. You want to talk interesting? Mrs. Ferns -- the teacher -- is a nut. She gave us a test and told us if we failed we weren't allowed to come back. I failed xD But she never collected the stupid test, and anyways I think she was kidding. Either that or she was leaving it to us to decide whether or not we wanted to leave. Either way I stayed. One Friend: Corinne

Between Third and Fourth Block: This is where I got a little pissed. My guidance counselor hunted me down during lunch and told me to come to her office to work the bugs out of my schedule for next semester (I was missing my first and second classes). So, after waiting in the Guidance Office for fifteen minutes, I argued with her for fifteen minutes over the classes she wanted to put me in. She wanted me in a math class and a science class. I point-blank refused. Hate math, hate science, got the three years I needed to graduate, never want to deal with them again. But she was like, "well if you won't take math I'm going to make you take a science." I was like, "huh?" But let her do what she wanted. I ended up with Enviromental Science and World Cultures. My mom's calling tomorrow to get me out of them (I struggle in Science, I'm not going to let a class I didn't want blow my GPA. And I just don't like World Cultures).

Fourth Block: Band. Mr. Caron was cool with me being half and hour late, thank God. He knew I had some glitches in my schedule to work out, but I was still mad. We didn't do much here, it was mostly going over the handbook and getting music passed out and stuff like that. But I've taken Band every year since I started at the high school, so I know I'll be okay.

Boring, huh? Well, I think it's going to be an interesting year. I like my first semester. Now if I can just work out Semester 2 we'll be all set...
