So I have been tagged by a certain girl named Elie101 - who will from here on out get NO cookies from me - and now I must list ten things about me that you may or may not know -- or may or may not care. Read on, victim!
1) I hate doing things like this
2) I do things like this and list my first fact as "I hate doing things like this" just for the satisfaction of having people ask, "why do you do things ike this if you hate them?"
3) I can play 3 1/2 instruments. The Flute, Oboe, Piccolo, and a eensy little bit of Piano (hence the half)
4) I'm a lefite (one day all the lefties will band together and rule the world!)
5) I am drama/trauma junkie moonlighting as a closet hopeless romance
6) Graduation CAN NOT come fast enough -- I'm ready to be OUT of high school
7)I've had a perpetual crush on the same boy since sixth grade. Unfortunately when we tried going out, we found we were better off just crushing on each other and being friends. Sad, huh?
8 )I've never been out of the US -- going to Germany in April though. 15 more days!
9)I've been writing since 4th grade
10)I have a morbid fascination with the show CSI: New York
Now scroll down for super-special fact #11
11) I tag everyone who bothered to come this far xD Enjoy!