this is game is the reason I bought a PS2 and moved into the console culture. Maybe if Diablo III does well enough on console Blizzard will return to this game.
I think that Kain from the Legacy of Kain series should have been included on this list. He is, IMO, the best villain in gaming. Starts off as this dude who is cruel, and you can't wait to kill, and over the series evolves into this almost anti-hero. He meets all these criteria listed above.
it seems to me that the ps3 loses out on the multiplatform titles whenit comes to graphics. so lets look at the exclusives. IMHO drakes fortune is still the best looking game out there. GOW2 cant even touch it. its obvious to me that that the developers need to spend more time on the opengl programming, so that PS3 users can get the same experience. and sony really need to get onboard with these guys, in making sure the games look as good or better. i own both consoles, and might just buy the version that looks better. and the other one loses out...
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