I don't believe anything Pachter says, he's always wrong. His Nintendo information is always way off and negitive, I am surprised GS still listens to him.
The vita has now been out for a year and it looks like sales aren't going to get any better. If sony doesn't smarten up soon the vita is never going to do well. A price cut announcement soon so people can spend their tax return on a vita bundle would be smart, but sony isn't that smart.
@Bl4KD37H Nope, there are no games at this time that the Wii U has that intrest me. I hope this changes in the future, but a console is useless if it has no games for it.
@Bl4KD37H That matters mostly to action, shooter and PC gamers. The other gamers are not so entranced with specs and details. We just want a fun gaming experience that we can feel good about.
Nintendo can't compete with Sony and MS when it comes to the action and shooter games, so Nintendo must be different and appeal to different gamers and markets. This sounds familiar, that's what made the wii popular. I think Nintendo is having a bit of a identity crisis, but when the PS4 and Xbox 720 are released in nov or dec 2013 that should remind them. I also think that it takes atleast a year for consoles to get the games and intrest reved up to a strong level and we're only about 3 or 4 monthes into the Wii U life span.
@LesserAngel 10 Minute google search, U.S. Patent No. 7,417,664. Judging buy the pics at http://www.google.com/patents/US7417664
Seijiro Tomita might have a good case against Nintendo, but I don't know enough about patent laws to be sure about it. If I can get this info in ten minutes, then the pro editors at GS should of had no problems getting it to. Maybe Eddie didn't think it would of helped the article since the pics are not really clear about Nintendo being guilty or not.
I would need to see this guys patent in order to form an opinion, GS please provide a full article in the future so that people can have an informed discusion about topics you write about. I own a 3ds xl and I find the 3d function almost useless, I never have it on and the AR is about the only thing that seems useful. I would of just stuck with my dsi xl but then I wouldn't of been able to play new games. I find the 3d part to be a gimick, waste of money and battery power.
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