All the industrialized countries have been playing and watching violent media for some time and my observations have lead me to believe that these kinds of media make it easier for people to hate and not care for other people. However, before there was media of any type people were still killing one another. So I believe evil is in all of us, just under the surface of are every day lives. It doesn't take much for violence to brake out from normal people if there jobs and families are threatened in anyway, we are kidding are selves when we say we are civilized people. Technologicly we are very smart, but when it comes to our emotions we are still cavemen. Just turn on the TV and watch the news for a few minutes if you don't believe me. Its not surprising that the best selling games and movies are the ones full of crude additude and violence.
Imagine how much better the capabilities of the Wii U could of been if the cost of the tablet had been put into the console. I like the normal controllers much better and I think most people do to. I don't own a Wii U so I can't say what the tablet is like, but does it really enhance the gaming experience? Or is it just novel and once the novelty wares off will we then see a more true opinion of the Wii U. I am neither for or against the Wii U and I am interested in hearing peoples opinions in a few months.
Well the price is set for people making $40,000+ a year so not many younger people are going to be getting it next year. But in 2 or 3 years it will be about half that price and then maybe I can afford it. I remember when LCD TV's first came out , they were of course very expensive. This is the same thing, new tech always costs alot but will drop in price quickly once even newer versions of the same product are produced. I think we will be seeing a Apple tablet very soon that has a full OS on it and it will probably cost $1500 to $2000 when it first comes out.
Just seen a article about the Wii U selling 400k units in the first week and they could of sold even more but most stores are sold out at the momment. The Atari guy is baffled because he doesn't understand the gaming industry and his comments prove it. History doesn't matter, this guy is just out to lunch and has been for quite some time.
The Vita version has 5 difficulty choices, 2 of them are easier then normal. So P4G might be for you. It can be repetitive, but I found that by mixing up what I did from day to day it deminished that feeling.
Just because my opinions don't match yours dosen't mean I wrong or warrent put downs. I do like this game alot and I have played the PS2 version as well so I have some first hand reasons for thinking that the new version is better. It's fine if you don't agree with me but because it's my opinion I can't be wrong or incorrect. Just like your not wrong if I don't agree with your opinion.
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