Going by this commercial lots of people will think this is a tablet controller for the Wii and not a new console. The commercial does a bad job of informing people that this is a new HD console with a new main tablet controller. Nintendo thinks they have fixed this problem but this commercial shows that they still haven't learned their lesson.
@shadowhunter0 Perhaps I am being impatient, but there doesn't seem to be a shortage of rpgs on the vita in japan. True compairing japan to north america is apples to oranges, but by now I feel there should be more of a selection of rpg's. After reading some of the comments on this site I have noticed that many others feel the same way and not just about the rpg genre. So I guess the lesson I am getting out of this is don't buy any new gaming system in it's first year because my taste in games isn't broad enough. Thank you for your reply, it's helped me to see this. I got caught up in the hype of getting a vita and didn't plan things out well enough.
Beef up the games library for the Vita and it will start to sell better. How many times do you you need to be told Sony, clue in already. Release some more JRPG's and SRPG's on the Vita instead of alienating entire fan groups. I got use to playing RPG's on handhelds and then poof where did they go?
We have known for a while now the when, or close to it. Whats really on everyones mind is how much, for many it's going to be to high. But new stuff always is more expensive.
The 3ds xl costs $200 so I can't see the wiiu which has more physical mass and components being $250. It's going to cost around $350 to $400 easily, and if nintendo launches the wiiu with some realy good games it will sell well.
digitaltiger's comments