Instead of making f2p games developers need to make more indepth demos. Then a few monthes later once the gamer is hooked release the full game at full price. Then every month or two release dlc for free so that gamers will have a reason to keep their game disc and not sell them off to gamestop.
Yes it's Nintendo's fault that the African men like to kill, rape and enslave their women and children. Next thing you know they'll be claiming that playing shooting games makes you responsible for gun violence.
Some people in the gaming industry are complaining about the lack of new next gen hardware for their games. Then the vita comes out and theres a lack of support for it. These complainers need to support the new systems then they wouldn't have anything to complain about. I bought the vita at launch and so far I have only one game for it, but I am very impressed with the system. Price cut, price cut, price cut, thats all I hear from you whinny little babies. All this whinning over paying $50 more then what you want to pay, I guess you whinners need the money to buy diapers.
I play about 95% of the time rpg's and srpg's, I just can't seem to get into other genre's. So games like the one's you mentioned just don't catch my eye. They are probably good but just not for me.
The only games I like to play from SE are the Dragon Quest games, the rest of what SE puts out doesn't intrest me. If SE made more intresting games they would be doing better.
It's true, Nintendo isn't really competing with ms and sony. Nintendo comes out with something and the others scramble to copy and integrate it into their consoles. At least thats what's bin happening for the last generation, if Nintendo can keep the costs down on the wiiu their going to own the up coming gen too. It's to early to know for sure but that's what it looks like right now, to little is known about ms and sonys next gen consoles.
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