Gamespot keeps rolling out these articles just to keep everyone mad, the whole gaming industry is really just one big toxic waste dump. True not everyone involved is a bad guy but the over all attitude seems to be controlling and negative, I am tired of it all. It's time to pull back a bit from the industry and look for a more wholesome hobby/lifestyle.
It seems like the atmosphere over at Microsoft is a breeding ground for fools. Peter Molyneux and people like him are not in touch with the real world and what life is like for most people in it. The fact that so many people were against the policies should of been a dead give a way, but these idiots keep popping up and saying stupid stuff.
Having blu ray as the winner of the hi def war probably helped a great deal to cushion Sony's loses. I don't believe it was as big of a hardship as Sony try's to sucker people into thinking.
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